Software Setup

This user guide covers the software setup of the YRK. It assumes that the micro-SD card in the Raspberry Pi is using the pre-built Raspbian installation (YRK Raspbian) created for the York Robotics Kit, that includes the ROS Melodic, OpenCV 4 and the Python 3 virtual environment with all the prerequisite packages installed, along with a clone of the Git repository available at:

The detailed software setup procedure followed to create the image is available in a different document. In the default image, the username is pi and the password is robotlab.

YRK Raspbian

This document is written for YRK Raspbian Build 23/01/2020. This build of Raspbian contains the following software installations:

  • Raspbian Version: Buster (Raspbian GNU/Linux 10). Output of lsb_release -a

  • Kernel: Linux 4.19.75-v71+ #1270 Sep 24 2019 armv71. Output of uname -a

  • OpenCV: 4.1.1 Output of cv2.__version__ in Python

  • ROS: Melodic Output of rosversion -d

  • Arduino: 1.8.10 Output of arduino --version

The yrk PYthon virtual environment is preinstalled with a large number of required packages. The list of packages can be found in the requirements.txt file in the /home/pi/yrk folder, or by using the pip freeze command.

First Run

The image is preconfigured to work with the robotlab wi-fi network at York; if needed, make changes to /etc/network/interfaces before booting (by editing the SD card in a different Linux system), or connect the Pi to a display and configure networking. Obviously in normal use the YRK is intended to be connected to remotely using SSH or VNC etc.

On first boot of a clean install of YRK Raspbian Build 23/01/2020 it is recommended to update the system. Make sure all DIP switches are in their OFF (down) position. From the /home/pi folder execute the following script:


This will update Raspbian using apt update and apt upgrade, perform a Raspberry Pi firmware upgrade using rpi-eeprom-update, run to check the hostname has been update to the form rpi-XXXX (where XXXX is last 4 digits of MAC address). It will then update to the latest codebase for git using git pull, and clean and rebuild the HTML documentation using make clean and make html from the docs folder.

Once the networking is setup and the system updated, the should be able to use the YRK in its normal operating mode. The current release defaults to booting the X-server (even without display attached) and auto-login; it is easy and recommended to change to command-line only using the ``raspi-config`` tool if graphical user interface isn’t needed. Both SSH and VNC *(remote-desktop) are enabled by default.

The documentation (this file!) is built in HTML format in the /home/pi/yrk/docs/_build/html/ path, using the Sphinx document generation system.

Boot Procedure

The image contains entries in the .bashrc file that set the Python virtual environment to yrk. It then looks to see if the device /dev/i2c_11 exists. If the YRK is connected and working correctly the i2c multiplexer device tree should be running, enabling 8 extra i2c busses (named /dev/i2c_6 to /dev/i2c_13 on the Pi 4 and /dev/i2c_3 to /dev/i2c_11 on the Pi 3).

If the device is found, the shell scripts /yrk/ will be launched. It is important to note that both scripts are called every time a new session is started (such as every new ssh connection). A core program is run on the first call of after each reboot, described in detail in the next section. The core program writes files to an area of temporary storage at /mnt/ramdisk/. The DIP switches at the bottom of the YRK determine the operation mode at boot-up, described in more detail in the next section.

The default working directory is:


To kill Python processes, erase the ramdisk and restart quickly use the script:

. rerun

Core Program

The core program yrk.core performs certain core functions that aim to improve usability and reliability of robot controllers. This include monitoring battery, temperature and fault conditions, and monitoring the user switches. It also provides the functionality to control the ROS service, a web service and a demo program. This functionality is provided through the 4-way DIP switch at the bottom of the kit.

  • Switch 0 (marked as 1 on the switch itself) determines if the core program should be run on boot. If disabled, will not be run. This is often useful for testing but user needs to remember to keep check on battery and temperature.

  • Switch 1 enables the ROS service using ROS launch. If the switch is disabled after ROS has been launched the process will be killed, allowing a relaunch.

  • Switch 2 enables the web service. This enables a Flask webserver running a Dash site with DAQ components and this manual. By default at localhost:8080.

  • Switch 3 enables the demo program. [To do…]

Basic Programming Examples

Before using the ROS infrastructure to program the YRK it is worth considering some very simple low-level example programs. We shall look at how to write very basic programs that access low-level features; it is recommended that the core program, normal Python services and ROS services are not running when programming like this. Remember that if the core program isn’t running, automatic battery, temperature and fault monitoring will not be running.

The code examples in the section are all Python programs that should be run in the yrk virtual environment (this should be enabled by default in the image and is indicated by a (yrk) before the filepath in the terminal console). The examples below can be written in a text-editor, or can be entered directly into the Thonny Python IDE using the VNC connection. For proper code development working on the Pi over VNC isn’t recommended but it can be useful for quick tests such as this.

Motors Example

The first example program below sets the motor connected to driver 0 (labelled as Motor 1 on the PCB) to 50 percent forward duty-cycle. We import the yrk.motors module from the yrk library as motors and call the yrk.motors.set_motor_speed() method:

import yrk.motors as motors

As the YRK is designed to be flexible in robot topology, the yrk.motors is limited to functions that affect one motor at a time, with the exception of yrk.motors.stop_all_motors() which sets all 4 outputs to their stopped, high-impedance state. The following code shows an example of how simple drive functions for a two-wheels, skid-steered robot, with motors connected to driver 0 and 3 (labelled as Motor 1 and Motor 4 on the PCB). By adjusting the speeds and the sleep times, it should be possible to make the robot move in a square path:

import yrk.motors as motors
import time

def forwards(speed):

def turn(speed):

def brake_motors():

for i in range(4):


ADC Example

The module yrk.adc contains the methods for reading the analog:digital converter. The module yrk.led contains methods for controlling the RGB LEDs. We can combine all three to use the on-board potentiometer (attached to ADC channel 6) to set the motor speed for driver 0 and set the LED brightness proportional to speed:

import yrk.adc as adc, yrk.motors as motors, yrk.led as led, time
      #Read raw value of pot. 255 is fully_left, 0 is fully_right
      pot_value = adc.read_adc(6)
      #Set motor 0 speed to be fully backwards [-1.0] at pot=fully_left and
      #fully forwards [1.0] at pot=fully_right
      motors.set_motor_speed(0, 1.0 - (0.007843 * pot_value))
      #Set led brightness to be proportional to speed (range is 0-15)
      led.set_brightness((abs(128-pot_value) + 6) >> 3)
      #Make the LEDs white
      #Add a short wait to keep system responsive


This code will spin motor 0 and set the LEDs to a high brightness unless the potentiometer is very close to its central position.